Sunday, September 4, 2011

Check out this raw food body builder

As someone who is into becoming strong for several reasons, this man has inspired me. I find his recipe for protein quite interesting: spanish peanuts and raisins. He also makes mashed potatoes in the food processor with raw potato, avocado, kale and Shoyu. Wish we got Kale in Panama, but I'm sure I can find a substitute for that.

He has incredible muscles. He says he only works out twice a week, but it's for 3 hours. That's what the difference is. I work out 4 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour. I don't see any results. I know I'm getting stronger because I can increase my repetitions and my balance in some exercises is better. At the time the video was made, he had been raw for as long as I have. Yet he looks way healthier and stronger. I am older though. Well, I also know I cheat a lot. I'm not 100%. So, perhaps I can use his example to help me stay closer to 100% and reach the kind of strength I want to gain.

The other thing he talks about is the weight loss the first year or two of being raw. I was super skinny for about 5 years. It wasn't until the last 2 years where I started gaining weight. I think it was through the help of green smoothies.

Well, enjoy the video!

Everyone can understand from natural experience and common sense that affection is crucial from the day of birth; it is the basis of life. The very survival of our body requires the affection of others, to whom we also respond with affection. Though mixed with attachment, this affection is not based on physical or sexual attraction, so it can be extended to all living beings without bias.--Dalai Lama

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