Friday, July 6, 2012

Parasite-free cleanse day 8

I'm on the 8th day of my parasite cleanse. My stomach has felt so bloated I haven't felt like eating. Today is the first day I feel more normal. The bloating has almost gone away. I'm fitting into my jeans again. I wore my sweat pants for several days to be comfortable.

I haven't seen any parasites yet. But the instruction page said that the formula "shreds and dissolves parasites so they may not be seen."

The instructions also say to be immaculate in hygiene. Trying to keep my finger nails clean is a challenge. I tend to do a lot of yard work. I have a veggie garden in a plot at the community garden at our church. Gloves help but you can't feel the weeds or plants like you can with bare fingers. There is so much lettuce and greens that I'm throwing them into very thin smoothies. Hopefully that will count as a liquid/juice diet. I've hardly taken in anything including juice for the last week due to the bloating. At least it's better today.

One thing I've been thinking about is that I've never absorbed vitamins very well. Marcus Rothkranz says that if your pooh is the color of your food, you're not absorbing the nutrients. Are the parasites eating the nutrients and/or making it difficult for my body to assimilate them? 

My husband is a good sport to be doing this with me. I appreciate his participation. Now for the dog.... It's time for me to go to the vet to pick up pills for her parasites.

The distance is nothing; it is only the first step toward it that is difficult.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Parasite cleanse

I've been having physical problems for over 50 years and decided to change my ways of eating, exercise and cleansing. Eight years ago, I became a raw fooder. I was promised  the end of many diseases, no more sunburns, high chance of not getting grey hair, getting younger, etc.

Well, I did get rid of my IBS, cysts in my breasts, sinus problems. However, I've still got grey hair, I get sunburned in the tropics but not in the US. I work outside and haven't been burned yet. I'm told I look great and young for my age.

Still, I have hyperthyroid problems which lead to heart palpitations. That happens when I go off the raw diet. I am stiff in the morning and find it hard to get up from the floor. I exercise regularly, jog, weights, etc. Two years ago, I got a pain in my back that hasn't gone away. It's limited my exercise and makes stretching difficult.

So why didn't the raw food life style help me with those problems? I have no idea. So I decided to do a parasite cleanse starting today. I'm using Mark Rothcranz Parasite-Free formula. It says that on the first day you take one cap 10 mins. before lunch.  Lunch today was a green smoothie. Tomorrow, I take 3 caps. That will be tricky. I'll be at the church yard sale helping out in the kitchen. The food will be Mexican. I'm planning on bringing a green smoothie with me. They don't understand my diet. I don't have the words to explain it to them. Their culture is not the same even though they've been in the States for years.

My husband agreed to join me in the parasite cleanse. He doesn't eat raw food except for salads and fruit. He likes his cooked food. At least he's willing to take the pills. I figure he's filled with parasites since he's never had a cleanse. I have. When we were in Panama, I took parasite pills which I got free from a health clinic. It worked. I got rid of some weird stuff. I'm guessing they were some kind of worms. I'm hoping my cleanse this time will get rid of what I got in Panama. Perhaps I've had them all my life and never realized it. There's so many kinds, it would be hard to know. Anyway, he's always eating undercooked food. He loves raw fish and rare meat.

Monday I will begin the juice fast for two weeks. Today I'm doing a liquid diet. Maybe tomorrow, too. I'll do my best to keep from eating Mexican tacos, a weakness I have.

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”--Dalai Lama

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reading labels

For some reason I was under the impression that Larabars were raw. Where did I get that impression? In many bars they have only 3 ingredients which is great. Usually dates, a nut and a fruit or salt. Peanut Butter Cookies, for example, are dates, peanuts, and salt. OK. I can deal with that and eat it. However, it doesn't say it's raw. The bar is labeled as vegan and dairy free. Another bar consists simply of dates, almonds and unsweetened bananas. That, too, I can deal with and will eat.

I did find that not all of them are equal. While shopping with my mom at Target, I found Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip bars for $5 for a box of 5. Being excited that I could pick them up for so cheap, I bought them. What I didn't realize was that the chocolate was not raw cacao. It's made up of "unsweetened chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla." Well, that's what happens when one does not read the ingredients and assumes that just cuz one bar is vegan, raw, and dairy free. I will not make that mistake again.

What will I do with all the bars? Well, I decided to take them to church and serve them during coffee hour to all those who don't care what they eat. It will be my contribution to the church.

Can I make my own bars? Why of course. According to Test Kitchen Tuesday, I can easily make them so I will. This way, not only will I know they are raw, I will save a lot of money. Angela of Test Kitchen did the math and the savings will be tremendous. She calculated that it would cost between $.29-$.58 a bar vs. $1.29-$1.49 a bar.

The chief ingredients in the composition of those qualities that gain esteem and praise, are good nature, truth, good sense, and good breeding.
Joseph Addison

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Days & Easter: A reflection

I was listening to sacred music this morning and the song "Days" somehow ran through my head. For some reason I heard it as sung by Elvis Costello. Then I remembered that it was a Kinks song.

As I read and reflected on the lyrics, I thought of the joy and sadness the song brings to mind. It talks about sacred days. For me that would be days of being touched by Christ, by the Holy Spirit, the joy of feeling a closeness to God, to the Creator, to the Source of life. I've had several experiences over the years which I call Holy Spirit experiences. Though I don't have them daily and sometimes it seems like years between, I remember each one very well, with clarity and deep feelings of joy.  Even though there are times when I don't feel right and all things seem to be going wrong, I know that the Holy Spirit, the Creator is with me always. Those would be the times of sorrow for me. Yet, I am not afraid, I have those times, those days when I know Spirit was with me, guiding me, blessing me, keeping me safe. I am not frightened of what is going to happen in my life. There are sacred days in my life which will be cherished forever. For today, "Days" became a sacred song to me.

Over the last 4 months, my life has been in turmoil with no job or home; nor have I had much computer access. I've been living with family or friends. Right now I'm in Watsonville living with a family I just met. My husband started working at All Saint's Episcopal Church and Cristo Rey only two weeks ago. This period has been a real test in faith. For those months between being a missionary in Panama and having a church in Watsonville seemed quite trying. We had no real income and only faith to live on along with the kindness of others. Thankfully, I have Jer. 29:11 to keep me going. "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."

Here's Ray Davis singing "Days."

Days lyrics

Thank you for the days,
Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me.
I'm thinking of the days,
I won't forget a single day, believe me.

I bless the light,
I bless the light that shines on you believe me.
And though you're gone,
You're with me every single day, believe me.

Days I'll remember all my life,
Days when you can't see wrong from right.
You took my life,
But then I knew that very soon you'd leave me,
But it's all right,
Now I'm not frightened of this world, believe me.

I wish today could be tomorrow,
The night is dark,
It just brings sorrow, let it wait.

Thank you for the days,
Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me.
I'm thinking of the days,
I won't forget a single day, believe me.

Days I'll remember all my life,
Days when you can't see wrong from right.
You took my life,
But then I knew that very soon you'd leave me,
But it's all right,
Now I'm not frightened of this world, believe me.

Thank you for the days,
Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me.
I'm thinking of the days,
I won't forget a single day, believe me.

I bless the light,
I bless the light that shines on you believe me.
And though you're gone,
You're with me every single day, believe me.

  Just the very nature of our birth, we are on the Spiritual Journey.--Father Keating

Friday, April 6, 2012

Here I am in the USA. The husband got a job in Watsonville, a cute farming community about 20-30 minutes south of Santa Cruz, CA. We're still looking for a house to live in. Right now we're staying at a guest house on a ranch just outside of town. It's still only about 15 minutes from the church my husband works at.

I've been able to go back to being 100% raw most of the time. Because we now have a paycheck, I'm able to buy superfoods. Nice! That's one thing we didn't have in Panama. There was no place to get raw cacao, spirulina, blue green algae or any thing of the sort.


I found a group on Meet Up of Raw Fooders in the area. Hopefully, I can go to an event or two to get to know people. It's not easy doing this without support. Having support is very important for the psyche. It helps keep one motivated. Also, one learns from others through community.

Just by the very nature of our birth, we are on the spiritual journey.

Thomas Keating

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Moving to the States

I finally made it to California. What an adventure. I've been unable to post anything until now.

First the packing company couldn't pack until after we left. They still haven't sent us our things. We finally got the bill last week and made the payment via wire transfer. We haven't heard a thing about them sending our stuff. They don't answer my emails. All I can do is pray it gets to us.

I am homeless and carless right now. I'm living with a relative and hope this is temporary. My husband has 3 applications in at different churches. Did I mention that he's an Episcopal Priest? Well, we're hoping that one of the three will hire him to be rector so we can have an income and get our own home or apartment.

Raw food wise, I am enjoying the many greens here. I'm loving the oranges yet missing my papayas and pineapples. That's OK. Once my husband becomes a rector, we'll be able to buy those. In the meantime, I just got a copy of "Heal Yourself 101" by Markus Rothkranz. I love his stuff. I found him while watching some youtube raw food videos. I think I posted one below. Anyway, I plan on following his plan for a couple of months to see how it goes. I'm really excited about it.

The problem I have right now is cheating. Yes, I cheat. I am not 100% raw. I am more in the 75% raw group most of the time. He says, right off, stop cheating! So, that's going to be a challenge especially when we go to restaurants. That's where I do my most cheating. I let it slide that there's corn chips in my salad or some other cooked item. And I love samosas and falafels. That will be a challenge when I go to the Farmer's Market. Only in San Jose, CA would the farmer's market sell not just fruit and veggies, but lots of cooked food. Oh well. I will do my best and keep you all updated on how it goes.

Have a wonderful day! Let you life begin with joy and compassion right now.