Friday, September 23, 2011

I didn't eat much in the way of raw gourmet for a long time and lost too much weight. Now I'm eating a bit more gourmet and a little bit of cooked. Well, one thing I'm doing is trying to eat more greens. This is also an interesting video by raw food coach Star Khechara. She's an advocate for real food and not super food powders. I don't do powders because I can't get it here in Panama. I'm also trying to increase my calorie intake because I exercise more now than before.  Enjoy the video!

Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give life true meaning. This is the religion I preach. It is simple. Its temple is the heart. Its teaching is love and compassion. Its moral values are loving and respecting others, whoever they may be. Whether one is a lay person or a monastic, we have no other option if we wish to survive in this world.--The Dalai Lama

Ann Wigmore

More interesting videos on raw food. This is about Energy Soup and Ann Wigmore.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Building Muscle

This is an important area for me. As I get closer to 60, I am noticing how my skin is beginning to sag more. I've been eating a high raw food diet for 7 years and have been working out pretty regularly over that time. It seems like I'm not gaining much in the muscle area. Perhaps I'm keeping it from weakening. However, I would love to be more toned.

What I like about Storm's philosophy, is that he believes using light weights and many reps is key. He also believes not only in building the muscle, but training them by using some form of martial arts. What I'm practicing now, with the help of P90X CDs, is Kenpo. I can see how weak my thigh muscles were when I started, how much stronger they've become over the last 2 months. Yet, I see no physical results. Perhaps that's OK for now. Maybe it takes more time for visible results. What I notice, is that my stamina is better as is my control over some of the exercises.

I've notice that over the last month since going to the park to work out, I can do 50 reps X3 on the rowing machine and 20 reps X4 on the other machine I use. Sorry, don't know what it's called but it's for the arms and back. There are no weights on these machines. That's why the rower is so easy now.

Even if I have loose saggy skin, at least my muscles will be strong.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Feel Good Tea

I just discovered this guy:

What I like is you use garden veggies and herbs. Unfortunately, I live in Central America where the plants he's talking about don't grow. So.... I have something to look forward to when I return to the States next year. Enjoy!


Raw Potatoes


I haven't tried them yet. I have a couple of recipes to use them, but just haven't done it. Natural News posted a great article on potatoes. Without the butter, sour cream, etc. potatoes alone are high in "an assortment of minerals and vitamins." Those that have more color are expecially high in minerals.

The recipe from the video I posted earlier this week has one recipe: process in food processor potato, kale, avocado, and a bit of soy sauce. He says it tastes like mashed potatoes. I wonder what I could substitute kale for? We don't have a lot of greens here. Maybe I could try spinach or romaine. 

Another recipe I found is in "The Complete Book of Raw Food" on pg. 273. It's a bit more complicated: soaked macadamia nuts, garlic salt, lemon juice, rejuvelac, pine nuts, spinach, sweet onions, red potatoes, flaxseed, paprika powder. It's to make Spinach and Potato Latkes. They sound great. I love latkes. Since I don't have a dehydrator I've never tried that. Maybe I could use some of the same ingredients and make something that would work. 

I'll let you know.
Modern education pays attention to the development of the brain and the intellect, but this is not enough. We need also to be able to develop warm-heartedness in our educational systems. This we need from kindergarten all the way through university.--Dalai Lama

Monday, September 5, 2011

Excellent talk about osteoporosis

Osteoporosis runs in my family so I am very aware of what I can do to help prevent it. So far, from what I am hearing I am doing all the right things.  I am listening to a great discussion on the topic. Dr. Michael Klaper from The Vegetarian Health Institute is led the discussion.

He discusses the alkalizing foods, how countries that consume the most meat and dairy are running rampent with osteoporosis, what floride does to your bones, among other great info. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My new hero

Part 1

Most of the people I know are between the ages of 50 and 100. That's because I'm a missionary in a West Indian church in Panama. None of them look this healthy. All of them are on meds, most of them have sugar (diabetes) and pressure (high blood pressure). Some are still quite attractive yet suffer many subtle symptoms from their illnesses. I've known people who have gone in and out of the hospital and have watched friends grow so weak they die. I have lost my three dearest friends due to illnesses: two were in their 60's, the other was 79. One of my favorite persons has been in the hospital since the day after Father's Day. Last time I visited him, he was in intensive care and looked very weak; he's only 69. All lived on a standard Panamanian diet.

Like Mimi Kirk, I want to be healthy as I age. I don't want to take any meds, have aches and pains, or other symptoms of getting old. I know I am getting old, but why be unhealthy. As I continue to search for a healthier lifestyle in my final years (I'm 58) I am encouraged by Mimi to keep doing what I am doing and continue getting better.

Part 2

It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness. I believe that every one of us has the means to be happy, to access the warm and compassionate states of mind that bring happiness. In fact, it is one of my fundamental beliefs that not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion, but I believe that the basic or underlying nature of human beings is gentleness. --The Dalai Lama

Check out this raw food body builder

As someone who is into becoming strong for several reasons, this man has inspired me. I find his recipe for protein quite interesting: spanish peanuts and raisins. He also makes mashed potatoes in the food processor with raw potato, avocado, kale and Shoyu. Wish we got Kale in Panama, but I'm sure I can find a substitute for that.

He has incredible muscles. He says he only works out twice a week, but it's for 3 hours. That's what the difference is. I work out 4 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour. I don't see any results. I know I'm getting stronger because I can increase my repetitions and my balance in some exercises is better. At the time the video was made, he had been raw for as long as I have. Yet he looks way healthier and stronger. I am older though. Well, I also know I cheat a lot. I'm not 100%. So, perhaps I can use his example to help me stay closer to 100% and reach the kind of strength I want to gain.

The other thing he talks about is the weight loss the first year or two of being raw. I was super skinny for about 5 years. It wasn't until the last 2 years where I started gaining weight. I think it was through the help of green smoothies.

Well, enjoy the video!

Everyone can understand from natural experience and common sense that affection is crucial from the day of birth; it is the basis of life. The very survival of our body requires the affection of others, to whom we also respond with affection. Though mixed with attachment, this affection is not based on physical or sexual attraction, so it can be extended to all living beings without bias.--Dalai Lama

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nut Yogurt

I haven't tried this yet. It sure looks good.
I would love to hear if you have tried this and how it came out.