Friday, October 15, 2010

Continuing week 1 work outs


Found out my Ab Ripper DVD isn't an m3p therefore didn't work.  So my husband is going to look into it and see what it is, if we can download a needed program, or if it's just bad.  So, today I worked on Plyometrics. 

Plyometrics is not easy for someone with knee problems and weak legs.  I did modified versions of all the exercises this morning.  I couldn't believe how uncoordinated I now am.  I used to be a ballet dancer with extremely strong legs and coordinated. No problem.  It will take as long as it takes to strengthen my legs again providing that I continue the P09X workouts for several months.

Meditation: This morning's meditation was really relaxing.  Sylvia sent an audio mediation which matched yesterday's lesson on the Seven Factors of Enlightenment.  I loved it! She didn't use the bell afterward so I was able to continue for several more minutes when she was finished. 

The Seven Factors are:
1. Concentration
2. Rapture
3. Calm
4. Investigation
5. Equanimity
6. Energy
7. Mindfulness.


No matter what my husband did, the Ab Ripper DVD didn't work. That's OK. The Core Synergistics workout is quite the workout for my abs. I'm just now no longer sore.

I started up again on the Shoulder's and Arms DVD today.  I really like that one.  I think I'll skip the Plyometrics DVD. It's really hard on my knees.  Maybe I'll try it again after my thighs build up.

Meditation: For the last two days I listened to the audio Sylvia made for Wednesday. It's a guided meditation which I love.  She made it in a way so when it's over, you can continue meditations.  What I did, was bring in my timer and still meditated my 20 minutes.

Emotion: What I've also noticed is that I've been emotionally charged the last couple of days. After much deliberation, I think it's my ego trying to return to the state of depression and sadness, which I was my usual state only a few years ago.  Since I choose happiness, my ego has been fighting me. The change has been slow.

Well, that's it for now. Hope you decide to follow me. Please feel free to make comments. I would love to hear about your journey, too.

W H Y = Whine, Holler, Yell.

Courage is the ability to change the familiar.

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