Starting again after so many month's off. I've been busy and don't have a lot of access to a computer. Here's a recipe that I've been asked about several times. It's one that I got from a friend of mine last year. It's so easy that it can be made up in no time at all. Also, I don't measure anything so I'm sure you'll be able to guesstimate pretty well for your own taste.
Fennel and Mushroom Salad
1 bulb fennel, chopped
5-6 cremini mushrooms, sliced thinly
1-2 T olive oil
1/2 lemon, juiced or more to taste
salt & pepper
Mix together and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
I started growing my own fennel after moving back to the States. A lot of times I cut off the stems with the leaves and flowers, wash them and throw them in my smoothies. It makes a nice liquorish flavor.
If you want to read more about fennel, here's a good link by Herb Wisdom. Enjoy!
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