I've been having physical problems for over 50 years and decided to change my ways of eating, exercise and cleansing. Eight years ago, I became a raw fooder. I was promised the end of many diseases, no more sunburns, high chance of not getting grey hair, getting younger, etc.
Well, I did get rid of my IBS, cysts in my breasts, sinus problems. However, I've still got grey hair, I get sunburned in the tropics but not in the US. I work outside and haven't been burned yet. I'm told I look great and young for my age.
Still, I have hyperthyroid problems which lead to heart palpitations. That happens when I go off the raw diet. I am stiff in the morning and find it hard to get up from the floor. I exercise regularly, jog, weights, etc. Two years ago, I got a pain in my back that hasn't gone away. It's limited my exercise and makes stretching difficult.
So why didn't the raw food life style help me with those problems? I have no idea. So I decided to do a parasite cleanse starting today. I'm using Mark Rothcranz Parasite-Free formula. It says that on the first day you take one cap 10 mins. before lunch. Lunch today was a green smoothie. Tomorrow, I take 3 caps. That will be tricky. I'll be at the church yard sale helping out in the kitchen. The food will be Mexican. I'm planning on bringing a green smoothie with me. They don't understand my diet. I don't have the words to explain it to them. Their culture is not the same even though they've been in the States for years.
My husband agreed to join me in the parasite cleanse. He doesn't eat raw food except for salads and fruit. He likes his cooked food. At least he's willing to take the pills. I figure he's filled with parasites since he's never had a cleanse. I have. When we were in Panama, I took parasite pills which I got free from a health clinic. It worked. I got rid of some weird stuff. I'm guessing they were some kind of worms. I'm hoping my cleanse this time will get rid of what I got in Panama. Perhaps I've had them all my life and never realized it. There's so many kinds, it would be hard to know. Anyway, he's always eating undercooked food. He loves raw fish and rare meat.
Monday I will begin the juice fast for two weeks. Today I'm doing a liquid diet. Maybe tomorrow, too. I'll do my best to keep from eating Mexican tacos, a weakness I have.
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”--Dalai Lama
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