Saturday, April 9, 2011


Authenticity, Individuality, Inner BeautyI first heard of Osho when I started studying Tonglen. His writing is at the Tonglen and Mind Training Site.  I was empressed by his writings on tonglen. So I found him on FB. Now I am checking out his site called Osho Times: The Magazine for Conscious Living.

Today, an article on inner emptiness was posted on the site. He addresses when people feel out of place and how preforming religious rituals alone doesn't make you religious. His point seems to be more about doing thing the same as others just because that's the way it's done. What's important is looking for the essentials in life.

If you decide to read the article, please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. I would really love to hear from you. silent so that you can hear the still small voice of your heart. And it is always speaking, but you are so noisy you go on missing its message.”--Osho

Authenticity is an antidote to inner emptiness. --Osho